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  • Meet Tangurple

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    New Member
    Tangurple, a name the defines a purple painted Tangerine. It has been my online name for almost a decade and it started with Minecraft. I'm an 8 year Veteran of Minecraft, having played since the PCGamer Demo back in 2011. I got the full version around Christmas that year. I took an extended break from the game shortly after the 1.8 release and returned at update 1.14.

    IRL, I'm a second year college student going into the field of Aviation maintenance. I am also a writer on the side with 4 books under my belt, however none of them are published. I have no intent of publishing them through official means but they'll be forever free to view on wattpad. I have no idea what the rules are on adverting about books on websites so I'll refrain from giving the link.

    I'm also an avid RPer and thrive in the whole Fantasy MMORPG setting.

    I have plans to build my own town using both old and new NPC village styles while also mixing in a hint of medieval styles. Chances of this being a success are slim but nonetheless it'll give me something to do on here. I have yet to decide on the name for my upcoming town, I'm currently split between Cenobia and Basaran. Both names originate from game "Shadow of the Colossus"

    I main RED server
    I am a Catholic hence the Cross on this skin. This skin was originally made for the Minecraft Day Z equivalent game mode on some mini-game servers. I was always a Healer/medic. Vulengate.png
    Glad to have you!
    Aviation maintenence, now thats a profession that couldn't help catch my interest! How's working towards that been, if you dont mind me asking? I myself have been very interested in the aviation field and one of my dream jobs is also Aviation maintence engineering! :D
    Pretty exciting to see someone share that passion!

    Your town idea is a great one and im nothing short of excited to see it come to life if you ever get around to it! I think i'm more fond of the name Cenobia but that might just be because I think the boss's design looks cooler then Basaran's haha.
    Glad to have you!
    Aviation maintenence, now thats a profession that couldn't help catch my interest! How's working towards that been, if you dont mind me asking? I myself have been very interested in the aviation field and one of my dream jobs is also Aviation maintence engineering! :D
    Pretty exciting to see someone share that passion!

    Your town idea is a great one and im nothing short of excited to see it come to life if you ever get around to it! I think i'm more fond of the name Cenobia but that might just be because I think the boss's design looks cooler then Basaran's haha.

    It's been entertaining to say the least. The school I attend, has some issues in terms of equipment and teacher quality and the best solution to anything that's not working, is to drop kick it, literally. But the handful of fields trips I've been on to visit aviation companies and hangers has been worth it. I don't have the brain to design things but I can easily put things together. Legos were good to me in my childhood.

    Basaran is a giant turtle thing, a fun fight nonetheless. Cenobia was cool but I keep getting her and Celosia mixed up since they're both cats. I've started the blue print for it but I lack the claim blocks and the population.
    It's been entertaining to say the least. The school I attend, has some issues in terms of equipment and teacher quality and the best solution to anything that's not working, is to drop kick it, literally. But the handful of fields trips I've been on to visit aviation companies and hangers has been worth it. I don't have the brain to design things but I can easily put things together. Legos were good to me in my childhood.

    Basaran is a giant turtle thing, a fun fight nonetheless. Cenobia was cool but I keep getting her and Celosia mixed up since they're both cats. I've started the blue print for it but I lack the claim blocks and the population.

    It's good to see you can still get through it even if you have your own strengths and weaknesses! Sucks to hear about the predicaments with your school but you seem to have a solid way of dealing with that pff.

    Ah, valid. Population is always just something that comes with time a perseverance. Claim blocks is down to luck and also time but if im ever on red and score me some claim block vouchers I'll be sure to send them your way : )

    Good to hear you already have a blueprint, A wonderful start!