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  • Keeping up with Eel and Mir - ONLY MIR AND EEL SPEAK HERE REACT ONLY PLZ


    Dear AComplicatedEel,

    Hello the love of my life, I just wanted to fill you in on my life and how its been going yanno :p
    today I went and took my pet fish out for a walk he chased a few squirrels cause fishy things always be goin on with him he's a bit of a free spirit does whatever floats his boat, also what are your thoughts on doing a matching couples Halloween outfit I was thinking something along the lines of maybe an Avocado like you're the pit to my hole kinda thing, or maybe you can be jelly and I can be peanut butter I'm honestly open for ideas, if you really wanna spice things up we can be one of those horses like I can be the butt and you can be the head unless you would prefer to be the butt I'm open to make some switches.

    Also how are our children doing? Haven't seen or heard of them for awhile please tell me you didn't leave them outside of the casino again like last time....

    XOXO Love your loyal wife Mir <3
    Dear Mirly my soulmate,

    It's been so long since we last spoke, 10 seconds actually. And every second we have been apart I have pondered on how you have been doing, but more importantly, how your fish has been doing. I remember the last time your fish and I went out for dinner, red lobster was a bad choice apparently. I think that for Halloween costumes we could definitely do a cat and dog situation, the horse costume might get a little stinky because I was hoping for us to go to wing night prior to our Halloween endeavors unless you are into that of course.

    All 6 of our children are doing great. Mary and Amelia have only done TWO sacrifices this week! It's such an improvement. Fergaro is still smelling all of our bread but the doctor said only to worry if it is rye. They had a BLAST at the casino, no worries. The mobsters and strippers really made it feel like home for them! :)

    Let me know if you still want to go to the couple's candle making. <3 <3

    Yours Truly,

    Eels Deals and Wheels
    I can offer my candle lighting course to you following your other course for only 50k
    Dear Eelmyster my lil cupcake,

    I can't wait for our couple's candle making sessions, I even ordered some cute matching couple T-shirts for us to wear picture down below . I also signed us up for some couple's therapy just to have our bond grow and since the last fight we had over if we should plant daisies or roses in our front yard I think we could really use some good refreshing therapy. I also thought that the hamster I ordered online a week ago from Craigs list a week ago should be coming in soon, they said he has rabies but that's okay we can just keep him stuck in the hamster ball since thats what I'm assuming they are used for. Oh right I forgot about the wing night, maybe the horse costume wont be the best, I think the cat and dog is the way to go and if that fails there's always the moth and lamp costume option.

    I'm happy to hear the kids had a great time with the strippers as it's just like home :)


    Mirriam <3
    Dearest xrrIM,

    I love the shirts! I think that would be adorable for us to wear to therapy, really show that our bond is strong. If worse comes to worst we can always wear our minion costumes and steal the moon together or some shit idk teehee. Anyways, aren't we all just hamsters with rabies spinning on a wheel at the end of the day yanno. Here are some name suggestions I think would work perfect for the hamster, just a couple I have in mind https://www.thesprucepets.com/hamster-names-1236946

    I hope your day goes well and that someone totally didn't burn tonight's roast, that would be absolutely horrible. Would be so inconvenient if it burned, made the whole house smell like smoke, and caused the dog to pass out. haha, imagine that. You wouldn't be mad though if that happened? Asking for a friend. :oops:



    my bitch.jpg
    To my lovely leEdetacilpmoCA,

    Good day to you my beautiful wife, yanno I was wondering why when i woke up this morning to do my daily yoga on the front lawn while all I scream all my anger out and the neighbors watch casually, why I saw the dog passed out in the kitchen and 2 empty fire extinguishers where in the trash can, and a side note to all of that why our oven was just g o n e, this is why we need couples therapy... may I also suggest that we sign you up for some easy bake oven cooking courses?? Just an idea im throwing out there.

    Also for hamster names I'm really leaning towards Cheeks thought it was a pre cute one, also what are your thoughts on pet monkeys???

    Love mIrrX:p