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  • Helper Application Information

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    Staff member
    Before submitting a Helper Application, you must read through this entire thread. Failure to do so will result in your application being denied.

    To be eligible for a Helper position, you need to meet a few requirements. Do not submit a Helper Application if you do not meet all these requirements.

    In-Game Requirements

    • You must have been actively playing on Vulengate during the past 21 days
    • You must actively participate in public chat
    Discord Requirements
    • You must have been a member of the Discord for at least 14 days
    • You must have a presence in the Discord and try to check it daily
    Website Requirements
    • You must be able to figure out how to submit an application based on the instructions given in this page, without any additional help from staff
    Basic technical competence and following instructions are important skills for Helpers, so consider submitting an application to be your first test of this. If you are unable to figure it out, maybe reconsider if you are suited for the role.


    Once you have submitted a helper application, it will be reviewed by Staff. This process can take as long as a month. DO NOT ask staff about the status of your application. You will receive a reply on the website once it has been reviewed. Asking a staff member about the status of your helper application will result in an instant denial, no exceptions. You will not be allowed to apply again for 3 months if you ask.

    If your application is accepted, you will be brought on the staff team for a period as a Trial Helper. During this time, you will receive training and be subject to performance review that will determine whether or not you are fit to become a Helper.


    To submit a Helper application, please follow these simple instructions.

    1. If you have not done so already, create an account on the Vulengate website and verify it with an email that you will receive once you have registered

    2. Go to the Submit An Application Forum and click "Post Thread"


    3. In the Thread Title, put "<your Minecraft username>'s Helper Application"


    4. Copy and paste the Staff Application Format (click on the spoiler below to reveal the format) in the main body of the thread (pictured below) and fill it out with your answers

    Minecraft Username (& /nick):
    Discord Username:
    Which Color You Play On Most:

    Please go in to detail with your answer to each question.

    Question 1
    What notable things have you done on the server (if any) during your time on Vulengate?

    Which non-staff players do you find yourself spending the most time with on Vulengate?

    Question 3
    What is your current goal on Vulengate?

    Question 4
    Have you ever been punished on Vulengate? If so, please give details about the punishment and explain how you feel it should affect your application's chance of being accepted.

    Question 5
    Why do you want to become a Helper?

    Is there a current Helper/Mod/Sr. Mod that you think is a good role model that other staff should follow? If so, what qualities does that person have that makes you feel that way?

    What skills/traits do you have that would be beneficial to Vulengate? How could those skills/traits be taken better advantage of in a staff role than as a regular player?

    Please describe two or three situations where you have helped someone. The examples can be from Vulengate or outside of Minecraft.

    Question 9
    Do you have any previous leadership experience? It can be from other Minecraft servers or outside of Minecraft.

    Question 10
    Are you involved in any hobbies/activities/interests outside of Minecraft?

    Question 11
    Are you going to ask any staff members about when your application will get a response?

    Question 12
    Is there anything else you would like to add or let us know?


    5. Click "Post thread"

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