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  • Expansion on Quests


    New Member
    For the entire time that Quests has existed on Vulengate since March, nothing at all has been changed since then. He still offers the same three daily quests for three wild keys, which is appropriate and balanced. I think he should be given an update while still being appropriate and balanced.

    Seasonal crates and their related bosses per month should be more treated as an event rather than a monthly drop. I say expand on the monthly theme and allow a big one-time monthly quest from Big Joe that is related to each monthly seasonal event. Have the quest have the player complete a good amount of tasks to earn a single seasonal key, and have it only be done once per player for the entire month. For example the Galactic crate may require the player kill x amount of endermen, fly above y height in the overworld, kill the ender dragon, catch the end fish, etc. You can have the player to require doing some tasks before going onto the next tasks, you could even give Big Joe some dialogue. That way at least everyone has a chance of opening up the seasonal crate. If it does sound unbalanced you can just increase the difficulty of tasks or the # of tasks to complete the quest. It should definitely be somewhat on the grind side or the difficult side so no ordinary hobo can complete it. Reiterating that statement on at least everyone has a chance, hypothetically everyone has a chance. Also as a small addition, maybe minimalistically decorate the area around Big Joe to resemble the theme of the month.
    We're looking to improve the questing experience but we've been holding back for now and are waiting until we are running 1.13 smoothly. The current plugin used for quests is quite limited and we'll most likely swap to something different. I've had similar ideas to what you're suggesting. I would want more varied quests with different difficulties and cooldowns to make it feel a bit more refreshing but I am not sure to what extent you are able to custiomize the quests requirements. How quests will look like once we've updated is hard to say but improving it is definitely on our roadmap.