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  • Egyptian boots


    I think the new boots from the Egyptian crates are bugged. Because they take away more hunger than what they are supposed to when you just have the speed effect on.
    Are you sure you're not wearing the chesplate which has Hunger I ? The hunger enchantment is a negative one that makes your hugner bar go down quicker. We've already reduced how strong hunger is but if its still an issue, rather than something people are able to withstand just fine, we'll consider reducing the strenght of it further.
    Are you sure you're not wearing the chesplate which has Hunger I ? The hunger enchantment is a negative one that makes your hugner bar go down quicker. We've already reduced how strong hunger is but if its still an issue, rather than something people are able to withstand just fine, we'll consider reducing the strenght of it further.
    well now that you say that I have never noticed the chestplate does have hunger 1 on it so that would be the issue i am having. But yes the speed effect with the hunger feels like it correlates and takes too much of the food away. I can stand still for 3 min and my food bar is gone maybe change it to were the food bar will diminish completely after 7 min of standing still or whatever percentage you need to change to make the hunger go away slower. I do still have an issue with it even after the nerf to the hunger already.