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  • Don't make market plots so expensive


    New Member
    $125 000 for a market plot? there is no way a new player could even begin to grind that much. It is very overpriced and I recommend it should be $25k - $50k. That would make it possible to get.
    I think the point is that the player puts in time and effort before getting the plot, so the plot isn't left bare or having only a few things in it and is properly used. A new player probably shouldn't be buying a market plot anyway, get established with armor etc is probably the first step, not buying a market plot.
    To be honest, I think the price is a bit low already, it only takes a few days of grinding to get to 125k, and if people don't put in that grind time to get to that amount they're not going to be able to maintain a shop to begin with. The price weeds out people who would keep others from having a good plot, and buy one then never use it (since they don't unrent like in the old servers). For a one time fee it is very fair.
    I believe there are other threads about this so go check them out too for more information.
    I see three problems right now:

    1. There are too many plots taken by those who are not selling...shops with no items, shops with one item, shops with less than 6 items. These are all around the center plot. It seems people buy the plots "just in case" or "just for fun" or "just to build on."

    2. The price is too high, IMO. This relates to problem #1 above. Yes, the money can be gained with a few days or a couple of weeks of grinding for money. This allows dedicated, daily players to buy a plot. The problem is that they buy a plot and too many don't put in the REAL grinding required to establish and maintain a shop:

    a) Building a decent build - some look truly bad and make the whole market look messy
    b) Stocking and maintaining your shop

    As we've seen, some people are buying plots and completely blowing off a) and b). I would love to see the market plots cost less, but have some basic requirements regarding the appearance of the shop and the amount of items offered. Less cash, more hard work.

    3. The biggest reason I believe the shop cost is too high is that for a $125K investment, a merchant needs to sell about $350 per day, every day, for a year before the initial investment is regained. Given the rising number of merchants, the auction house, private sales, the possibility of a map wipe...it's a risky proposition!
    Personally, I believe that the front row ones should have been more expensive, but the ones further back where fewer people go should not be 125k as nearly no one goes there
    I just posted this in another thread. I just built my market shop and was dismayed to realize you can't even see it from the spawn point. The price should definitely be reduced for outer rings because those of us away from the center ring are going to get fewer visitors.
    As Kureen wrote on another forum, maybe there should be buttons to get to the different market plots, but I think that few people would use them because not only are they already used to those front row plots, but they would also slowly start spiralling into the middle again where the front shops are. So I agree, the only real option to change this is to make the plots less expensive around the outer rings. Maybe becuase they are cheaper and no body goes to them you could get 2 plots?