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  • Darth Mart is back....bigger and better

    Ok many of you were regular customers at my old shop on RED server. I know because you made me work my butt off trying to keep it stocked. Well, I just opened my new shop on GREEN. Just bought the plot yesterday so there is still a ton of work to do and lots of chests to fill.


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    • new shop.jpg
      new shop.jpg
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    I am going to try to sell a bit of everything like my old shop. I am going to try to keep a large assortment of enchant books in stock as well as my colorful wool section (need to build up a couple of flocks of sheep first).

    The big change is my new shop will be hosting some artists work for sale. If you are a good artist and need a place to sell, I can offer some space for no rent and no commission. I figure if you have some good art, then it will draw people to my store and maybe they may stop and buy something of mine.
    Pter, i am only offering the space for artwork. I thought you said you were going to rent out floors of your shop to people and I assumed they would sell whatever they wanted there.