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  • Corn pick vanish


    New Member
    If this isn't the right place to post this I apologize, but no other thread seem to be right for this kind of "report" either, anyway here is my story: So today my corn pick with mending vanished into thin air, I imidieatly reported that to Senior Mod undisclosedhost who was online at the time and we tried to search for it but with no succes, what exactly happened was- I was repairing it at my xp grinder (since it has mending and rejuvi takes ages) and naturaly I hold it where shield slot is so I can easily hit with sword at mobs, when I teleported back to mines where I mined, I remove it from shield slot and put it into slot where I could use it, move away few blocks then it disapears. I also had high ping that varied from 500-2000 at moments, and usally i have around 150 so that's the most probable cause of pickaxe disapearing.
    My question is can I get it replaced? I understand if not, it's my own damn internet that got it nerfed, not server's fault...