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  • Blue economy


    New Member
    It is interesting, because it is rare that a day goes by and I don't hear someone whining about the prices in /AH (Auction House). And generally, they are talking about fly vouchers.

    Now, the person will normally say something to the tune of: "These shouldn't be 8k/10k....they should be 5k"

    Or, the person will complain that, "PlayerX bought all the vouchers that were 5k and repriced them to 10k"

    The argument I heard yesterday was. "if someone goes into Walmart and pays $100 for a snickers bar, that doesn't mean the price of snicker bars is now $100"

    My thoughts
    1) The snickers bar analogy is kind of backwards. The buyer doesn't decide what the price is, the buyer decides if the price offered is worth whatever they are buying. (And if not, they don't buy it) I see people offering to buy cluescrolls all the time. Sam pays 2k, Fentix (sp?) pays 2500. Does that mean Fentix is an idiot? Does it mean Fentix is getting cheated out of 500? What it means to me is that Fentix values them slightly different than Sam.

    2) I am actually slightly astounded that fly vouchers are even 10k. (I feel like they could be much more) I personally wouldn't pay for them, because I want to /rank up. (I like the feel of progression) However, I have used one to make it easier to build my logos in Cloverville, and have sold one. The people who are apt to by a fly voucher generally are going to be what I call endgame people, who have money with little of value to purchase that would be worth even $1.

    3) When one person buys all of one commodity and tries to dictate the price, that is a risk. The people who were selling for whatever price should be happy.....their price was met. Now, the retrader might sell them for more, and if so, he/she was the one taking the risk. It is especially risky since new fly vouchers enter the world all the time, and the retrader has no control over that....except to continually buy anything over what they want to sell it for. Only two things will happen, either everyone starts selling for what the retrader wants, or the retrader will continually get undercut and the attempt to reprice fails.

    4) Let's assume it is decided that the retrader is morally corrupt, that is unfair they are pricing things differently. Who gets to decide what something is worth? Is Ashinos going to sign on everyday and ensure the /AH is selling fly vouchers for $100? Or $200? or 15k? Is there inflation? What is an Easter key worth?

    Now, on a side note...here are things I think are currently valuable to me....
    A) Wild rods. I don't know why fishing is kind of fun, but I like doing the tourneys, and have had moderate success. But those things sure seem to break down quick, so I always like winning one. (And thanks Cloverville for providing one!!)
    B) Fly vouchers. I still have a few, as I would be hesitant to use/sell without good reason, but propbably next build event, I'll be wanting to use one. Or if world expands.....resource world resets....they become priceless.
    C) A good pick without smelting. I hate smelting. I get almost all my experience from mining coal/redstone....and smelting iron/gold. But with the smelt pick I get no exp. Gimme my exp!!