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  • Beta player. Still love the game!


    New Member
    Hello all! I just saw this thread but I've been playing on this server for a few weeks now.
    I been playing since Beta as seen by the title, but my love for this game has only grown stronger! With all of the fantastic updates it keeps people interested and keeps new players coming. This game is one of the few that if I leave it for a period of time, I feel the urge to come back and play. It fills all of my needs as a gamer, to be creative, interact with the environment, and be involved with the amazing community. I hope to be here for a long time! Thanks for reading!
    I've been playing on and off since beta 1.3, and I'm right there with you. I found this server around the same time as you, what color are you playing on?
    Hi! so happy to hear that you're enjoying the game and the server! I feel the same way I always find myself coming back to Minecraft, can't seem to get enough :)