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  • townwarp

    1. D

      Town Warp Application: Da_roo

      Da_roo is my new Minecraft name. It changed from Drewwpyy. Town Name - Dusty Dunes Which Server - Yellow Coordinates you want the warp to teleport to - X: 12175.531 / Y: 95.00000 / Z: -3576.501 Town Mayor - Da_roo Town Population - 16 Citizens Town Status - (ex. Open, Closed, Application...
    2. J

      Town Warp

      Town Name: HoboVille Members: 10 Open for anyone Mayor: JeeperCreeper7 Fits all regulations, neat, farm, decent size, etc. Server Yellow Cords for Warp: Block: -1976 64 5237
    3. BeebAwesome

      Bluesky Town Application

      Hi! I would like to apply for a town warp! My town is called Bluesky (Or the region of Bluesky) It is on Vulengate Red The tele coords should be X:4337.825 Y:68.00000 Z:-1945.869 Town Mayor is BeebAwesome Population is 7 (though growing at a nice pace, in all honesty) The town is open, but...