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  • town application

    1. C

      Mooshtopia Town Application

      Town Name - Mooshtopia Which Server - Orange Coordinates you want the warp to teleport to - -2485, 63, -6782 (facing north west) Town Mayor - cheezus69 Town Population - 8 Town Status - open Thankyou!!
    2. CosmicSkys_

      Plainview Town Application

      Town Name - Plainview Which Server - Orange Coordinates you want the warp to teleport to - 7153 63 -607 Town Mayor - CosmicSkys_ Town Population - 11 active Town Status - Application required
    3. N

      Elysium Town Application! :D

      Town Name - Elysium Which Server - Orange Coordinates you want the warp to teleport to - 4387, 67, 5629 Town Mayor - Nelphyta Town Population - 10 Town Status - Open The city is still in progress but does currently have the bare minimum requirements for a town :D We are expanding every day!
    4. R0TT3D

      Town Application - Santaun

      Name: Santaun Server: Blue Coordinates: 11266 67 226 (facing north) Mayor: Hadlitty Citizens: WillVacc639, yucafrita326, scullscan, Crayzturtle, LupLoopers, Jkrow, Gregormendele, Mrblendmaster, Seigeville, BlairBoy97 [10 members so far] Status: Open
    5. J

      Town Warp Application

      I am applying for a town warp because i got kicked out of my town i want my town theme to be underground and you can you pistons door opened by redstone to go inside but i need to be able to see where you live.
    6. A

      The Hallows

      Town Name - The Hallows Which Server - Green Coordinates you want the warp to teleport to - 11290 67 7161 Town Mayor - icky_icky and Axel010Ari Town Population -17 Town Status - Open
    7. Purize

      Mayfield Town Application

      Town Name: Mayfield Which Server: Green Coordinates you want the warp to teleport to: XYZ: 13866.538/ 68.0000/ -4055.593 Town Mayor: Bugdozer and Purize (You can put Bugdozer down as designated Mayor) Town Population: 26 Active; 2 Inactive Town Status: Open; Apply upon request to me (Purize) or...
    8. J

      Joeberg Town Application

      Dear honorable Vulengate staff, It is my great pleasure to announce my town, Joeberg, is finally open for business! Server, yellow Coords 8178/69/10613, facing north Mayor, Joeggernaut12 Town Population, 15 town status, Application required, public farms, spawners, and shops Sit back and...
    9. Anime_Cosplay

      Anime Academia

      Town Name - Anime Academia Which Server - Yellow Coordinates you want the warp to teleport to - X -12317 Y88 Z -12593 Town Mayor - Anime_Cosplay Town Population - 7, 8 including Mayor Town Status - Open
    10. A

      Town of Void warp application

      Town Name - Town of Void Which Server - Red Coordinates you want the warp to teleport to - [ -10880 67 -11328] Facing EAST Town Mayor - Anokuu Town Population - 16 Town Status - Application Required, Apply by Discord
    11. Deezer06

      Yellow Town Application

      Town Name -The North Pole Which Server -Yellow Coordinates you want the warp to teleport to - X 10195 Y 64 Z 5194 Town Mayor -Deezer06 Town Population -7 not including mayor and co mayor Town Status - open
    12. F

      Town Application: Clarity

      Town Name: Clarity Server: yellow Coords: 780 / 70 / 7770 Town Mayor: FallenUriel 12 members total but only 8 are active almost daily Town status-Open My town has the following mob farms: Chicken , Pigs , Sheep , Cows, Skellys, Zombies, and a villager trading area, along with a very large farm...
    13. Deezer06

      Aperture Town Application

      Town Name -Aperture Town Which Server -Yellow Coordinates you want the warp to teleport to -X:902 Y:69 Z:6236 Town Mayor -Deezer06 Town Population -7 not including Mayor or Co-Mayor Town Status - Open
    14. L

      Sky High

      Town Name - Sky High Which Server - Yellow Coordinates you want the warp to teleport to: -8915.490 / 201.00000 / 19.450 Town Mayor - LailaSaleh Town Population - 18 (including founders that don't go on members board) Town Status - open!
    15. mario :)

      Azmar Town Warp Application

      Town Name - Azmar Server - Red Coordinates - XYZ: 3287.958 / 67.00000 / -9324.338 (facing "Welcome to Azmar" signs) Town Mayor - mario_png Town Population - 8 Town Status - Open For viewing pleasure, view at night :) Some images of the town: https://ibb.co/album/hzLbqa?sort=date_desc&page=1
    16. A

      Town application for: Town of Void in Red

      Town Name: Town of Void Which Server: Red Coordinates you want the warp to teleport to: -467, 76, 396 (Nether), facing South Town Mayor - Anokuu Town Population - 15+ Town Status - Application required The warp has a distance to the town itself, the town itself is at 0, 150, 0. The first and...
    17. K

      Town Application for Minas Morgul -2

      Hello again! Can you take a look again today? done many changes now in Town, more members also we got 13 members now, and growing, made more plots also. Town Name - Minas Morgul Which Server - Green Coordinates you want the warp to teleport to - X5331.698 Y65 Z2879.809 Town Mayor -...
    18. NeoDorito

      Applying for Town Warp

      Town Name - Trenton Which Server - Red Coordinates you want the warp to teleport to - X:7151, Y:74, Z:5763 Town Mayor - NeoDorito Town Population - 10 Town Status - Open
    19. Stels

      Application for Town Warp at Spawn

      Town Name - Tomodachi Server: Red Coordinates for teleportation: 3787.956 / 72.00000 / -4316.101 Town Mayor - PundaPants Town Population - 9 Citisens Town Status - Open A well located town with plenty of room for improvement. The six core residents are capable builders willing to expand and...
    20. D

      town app

      town's name : Golden Leaf Mayor : xwolffi server : blue current member amount : 11 town include maps, pass, farm, subway system, and a town hall has info about the town. our town is open at all times, active players are xwolffi and destoryer666, they are on about everyday. we are having a...