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  • events

    1. DayDeer

      purple team be lookin kinda cute tho

    2. SpottedChickenSr

      Custom tool for the winners of a event build.

      Would it not be cool if the 5 winners who's work was judged and ranked top-5 in an event build would receive a custom tool, a custom building tool with a specific reference to being a good builder? The "Master Builder Pickaxe", the "Master Builder Axe" and /or "Master Builder Spade"? Those...
    3. Damon Phan

      Boss Egg Changes

      Hello staff, or Kureen...... *Cough* *cough* Monkey........but anyways, it was something i have been wanting to do for a while and that is change the boss eggs! The Cursed Kahuna is a very.... bad boss..... 1. The Egg is TOO EXPENSIVE- i feel that little to no one buys the eggs because they are...