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    1. Microwaved_Taco

      Lets Count!

    2. Microwaved_Taco

      Three Word Game

      did the thing
    3. Microwaved_Taco

      Im back

      Im back and may be active in game for a bit again for the fishing events :D Also how do i change the username here on the website beacuse im Microwaved_Taco now
    4. Microwaved_Taco

      Lets Count!

      I didnt put over 100 messages in here so you can lose count by 8 lol back on track at 690
    5. Microwaved_Taco

      Lets Count!

      I quit for a year and you lose count by 1 smh ;) back on track 643
    6. Microwaved_Taco

      Lets Count!

    7. Microwaved_Taco

      Lets Count!

    8. Microwaved_Taco

      Three Word Game

      dead on floor
    9. Microwaved_Taco

      Lets Count!

    10. Microwaved_Taco

      Three Word Game

      secret prison cell
    11. Microwaved_Taco

      Three Word Game

      the duck ate
    12. Microwaved_Taco

      Lets Count!

    13. Microwaved_Taco

      Three Word Game

      duck food slug
    14. Microwaved_Taco

      Lets Count!

    15. Microwaved_Taco

      Three Word Game

      and promptly died.
    16. Microwaved_Taco

      Lets Count!

    17. Microwaved_Taco

      Lets Count!

    18. Microwaved_Taco

      Three Word Game

      insect repellent would
    19. Microwaved_Taco

      Three Word Game

      like he had
    20. Microwaved_Taco

      Lets Count!