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    1. frvnxes

      Fleetwood Town Application (Red Realm)

      Town Name - Fleetwood Which Server - Red Coordinates you want the warp to teleport to - x 17112 || y 127 || z 9944 Town Mayor - ArcadeParty Town Population - 7 citizens Town Status - Open
    2. frvnxes


      In Game Name: frvnxes Realm color: red Coordinates to build (x y z): -5268, 64, 2348
    3. frvnxes

      Snowman Build Event Submissions

      IGN: frvnxes Colour: Red Coordinates: -2780 81 -4648
    4. frvnxes

      Diablo Town Application (Red)

      Town Name - Diablo Which Server - Red Town Mayor -Coordinates you want the warp to teleport to - -4388 93 1680 Town Population - 7 house owners, 8 shop owners Town Status - Open