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    1. claytonbmartin

      Concerning the reset,

      Since the thread has been closed, I wasn't able to throw in the last of my thoughts. I agree that some of the hate that Ash is getting is downright unfair and not necessary. Going into such a decision of course would lead to disappointment, there is no doubt. I am certainly disappointed but...
    2. claytonbmartin

      Post Your Favorite Screenshots Here

      Here's two pictures of Nicolada and I in our spaceship flying across the dark void of space. Our Earth mapart helps the atmosphere a lot. Feel free to post some screenshots of yours that you enjoy. It'll be cool to see what everyone is up to or what crazy situations they've gotten themselves...
    3. claytonbmartin

      Lets Count!

    4. claytonbmartin

      Hi I'm Onyx!

      Nice to meet you, Onyx. I too possess such a phobia. See ya on Blue! :D
    5. claytonbmartin

      Three Word Game

      continued to sing
    6. claytonbmartin

      Hello, I'm Clayton

      How nice that's it worked for you as well! Do you play on Red or Blue? We should meet up if you're on Blue! We actually met on an elsewhere server, but nevertheless I imagine Vulengate has the potential for more of this in the future. Considering it's steadily growing but nevertheless friendly...
    7. claytonbmartin

      Removing Party Kick

      I took a break from minecraft for a few months. When I returned, our party was deleted because of my inactivity as I am the owner. Is there a way we can remove the inactive player party kick including deletion due to owner inactivity? Just an idea, thanks!
    8. claytonbmartin

      Hello, I'm Clayton

      Hey everyone, I'm Clayton (claytonbmartin in game). I'm 21 years old from Texas, currently attending college on a possible Business Major. I was introduced to minecraft back in 2014 when we actually used it for a class video project. Before then, I always liked experimenting with building but I...
    9. claytonbmartin

      Hey ;)

      Hey ;)
    10. claytonbmartin

      Is the earth flat? - With poll.

      Triangular Prism, I said.
    11. claytonbmartin

      You have saved my life I am internally grateful.;)

      You have saved my life I am internally grateful.;)
    12. claytonbmartin

      Is the earth flat? - With poll.

      Really truly the Earth isn't a sphere nor flat, but a triangular prism. Think about it and you'll see that I'm right.