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    1. Dapperthulhu

      Oceanic Build Event Submissions

      In Game Name : Dapperthulhu Server : Green Coordinates to build : X= -7624.336 / Y=37 / Z= -3829.155 (this is only coords so the most aquatic part of my base. I would like to at that there is more to my base that fits the them. please feel free to look around
    2. Dapperthulhu

      Dapperthulhu Returns! (Ish)

      Thank You :p:):D
    3. Dapperthulhu

      Dapperthulhu Returns! (Ish)

      Ill be maining Green like usual. Though I might to try to move to blue or red and dabble in one of the two for a bit
    4. Dapperthulhu

      Dapperthulhu Returns! (Ish)

      Hi all. As of June I had announced that I would be taking a break from Vulengate for a while. I am proud to announce that I will be returning from my leave and re-integrating into the community. I hope to make lots of new friends with the newer members of Vulengate and to further grow my...
    5. Dapperthulhu

      Goodbye, Vulengate.

      Sad to see you go DinoBrando. Have fun with what ever you end up doing next. :):D
    6. Dapperthulhu

      Magnet Mod

      Although I like the idea it kinda allows people to steal mob drops from private mob farms. Since items dont immediately go into hoppers players who have this magnet mod would be able to steal the drops.
    7. Dapperthulhu

      Castle Vulen Build event"A gift from Us To them" (Cancelled)

      I am sorry to say that the Castle vulen build will be cancelled for green until I get some help. probably will be called off server wide anyway bc i doubt anyone has started on red or blue either :(:(:(
    8. Dapperthulhu

      Castle Vulen Build event"A gift from Us To them" (Cancelled)

      Vulengate community Build Event (CANCELED) Attention all builders! I am hosting a Build event for everyone to participate in. It is a all server (hopefully) event. 4 castles that fit the same theme but 1-how evermany people wanna help on any one castle. and each castle gets 1/4 of the staff...
    9. Dapperthulhu

      Castle Vulen Build

      Hi all. So today on Green (hopefully) Castle Vulen was started. If it has and you are helping with this build please respond to this thread what was completed or started for it today. Whether it was just clearing out a space or getting an outline is just fine. This is meant to be a progress...
    10. Dapperthulhu

      A gift from Us to Them

      sure thatll do as long as your ok with it being edited (what server though im on green and overseeing its project)
    11. Dapperthulhu

      A gift from Us to Them

      Nope just anywhere where there is enough space
    12. Dapperthulhu

      A gift from Us to Them

      Hi all I was thinking earlier today that we the vulengate community build Castles for ash and the staff in each of the servers( Red, Blue, And Green). This would be for the whole community to participate in and it would allow us to show our appreciation to Ash and the staff for making such a...
    13. Dapperthulhu

      Tutorial Area

      I say that a few aspects of this is a great idea i totally agree that newer players often ask for the most simple of things that are specified in the tutorial. I also agree that having something like a splash text at spawn to let people know /rtp is a command to get to usually unpopulated land.
    14. Dapperthulhu

      PVP Event

      Dapperthulhu [IGN] Agpeters「かいと」#9003 [Discord]
    15. Dapperthulhu

      Yes we do. You can sign up here at...

      Yes we do. You can sign up here at https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZpDUIsHkgwe8bcJMEA3xDjuPy-mbCd484gjOi8LePpE Note: We are not starting the build till One: We find a place to put it And two: We are in 1.13
    16. Dapperthulhu

      Tree House Event

    17. Dapperthulhu

      Giant Town tree build sign up

      Hey all. Coming with the 1.13 update Nsowns99, gabby_goodness, Acedogo, and my self are starting a town called Orilon on the Green server. But before that happens we need a town hall. So I ask you the Vulengate community to help us build a massive tree with us in the new 1.13 terrain. Heres the...
    18. Dapperthulhu

      Is most likely doing something crazy

      Is most likely doing something crazy
    19. Dapperthulhu

      Tree House Event

      Thats massive
    20. Dapperthulhu

      Floral Crate

      Wooo new crate yay. I wonder what goodies it stores.