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    1. Wen_Elentara

      My base

      Any pics?
    2. Wen_Elentara

      Thought I share, I wrote this in 2013.

      The Poem T'is a hard thing. The words don't flow. Like a tooth being pulled. Scrambled mind. Searching for that word. That would mean the world. But alas, I understand now. Vocabulary does matter. To express true feelings. And matters of the heart. Without such grand words. Expression becomes...
    3. Wen_Elentara


      This is exactly what I mean... Edits to the existing spawns.. just to make each one unique in some form, fashion or way.
    4. Wen_Elentara


      Suggestion: Please consider allowing the players to redesign the spawn area on each server. Reason: So that there is some difference between red, blue, and green. By allowing players for a limited time to alter spawn would give a distinct feeling for each server at first glance. I've been...
    5. Wen_Elentara

      Idk What To Call This

      Hey Frozen. I remember you. Look forward to seeing you again. Peace
    6. Wen_Elentara

      1.13 ETA?

      Just try to be patient. Yes, I know it is hard to do. I personally can barely wait for the server to update. So, I will rephrase your question. Devs so let's say for example the server has 70 plugins, how many plugins are updated vs not updated. Like 12 out of 70 are updated. Doing this...