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    1. TheDramaticLYNX

      Art Submission (Green)

      In game name: TheDramaticLYNX Art Name: RedSkyV2 Server: Green Coordinates to Art: x3378, y70, z-4211 | Facing East Art: (It wouldn't let me upload a screenshot, so look for a silhouette of a tree with a red background)
    2. TheDramaticLYNX

      Random conversation

      I'd say red, before the restart, but as red and blue were down for maintenance, I kinda had to go to green. I still play red, but I prefer green, as the more I play, the better it gets. Green has a fantastic, friendly and supportive community that really makes me feel at home. So that is why I...
    3. TheDramaticLYNX

      FREE MVP!!!!!

      IGN: TheDramaticLYNX Discord name and id #: TheDramaticLYNX #7582 The server you want the rank for: Green
    4. TheDramaticLYNX

      What is the opposite of medium?

      What is the opposite of medium?
    5. TheDramaticLYNX


    6. TheDramaticLYNX

      oh hi there~

      Hiya Piggo, Welcome Back!