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    1. C

      1.13 ETA?

      Given even MCMMO isn't updated yet (still on a beta at last check) it's all on the hands of the add-on developers at this point.
    2. C

      Hawaiian Build Event

      IGN: catfriedrice Server: Red Coords: x2763 , y66, z-2116 Screenshots: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wkaP4wwUwlKguheV29B3Y7PeagdSsfcW https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LrPHOnpXLtGBORTh-LS2vuC8cHwdcUuj https://drive.google.com/open?id=11mNtliiqRhNCvIqSRbihwk-UKhcAV1U6...