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      Mob Arena (Plugin Suggestion)

      I'm talking about the other person not you
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      Mob Arena (Plugin Suggestion)

      I'd like to see 3 people that think it's a good idea so far you've spammed staff and been ignored because your suggestion isn't wanted
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      Mob Arena (Plugin Suggestion)

      I was trying not to be rude but it's a terrible idea okay and you've already spammed staff in discord about it just accept it's trash
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      Mob Arena (Plugin Suggestion)

      hunters make the most by killing dragons, some people can do a dragon every 10-30 seconds which racks in 2k a dragon at lower levels so why would players use hunter job in mob arena if there's already a better alternative? and servers with mob arena that I've seen turn to trash so -1 from me
    5. O

      Three Word Game

      But then he