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    1. C

      My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.

      Thank you for the exhaustive response! I hope the performance will be better once we hit 1.14.4 as that was kinda the whole point of that specific release. For map expansion and reset - isn't it a problem that a) most players flock to new lands that have fresh resources leaving middle of the...
    2. C

      My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.

      I'll just add up to this instead of opening a new thread, since I also think things could be better but I can't seem to find the reasoning behind some of the decisions made by "upper management". I'll try to sum my thoughts into bullet points and hope Kureen or someone with enough inside info...
    3. C

      Votes landing on Green no matter what server you are playing on

      I really hope for some compensation because of this, like one time 5 vote keys for all or similar...
    4. C

      Votes landing on Green no matter what server you are playing on

      Update: Now its not working at all, the one site where it worked now doesnt work either. All keys go to green.
    5. C

      Votes landing on Green no matter what server you are playing on

      If you vote on Red or Blue, only the first vote lands in that server, the other 2 land in Green.