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    1. B

      shop rules

      Hello vulengaters, today i'd like to talk about one of the shop rules. It's this one: 32. Not properly maintaining your shop plot can lead to it being unrented. - Shops must have a minimum of 5 items being sold that are of value to the players at sensible prices. - Shops must be restocked...
    2. B

      Christmas Tree Build Event Submissions

      In Game Name : The__Forester Server : Blue Coordinates to build : -7522 64 9027 Screenshots (Optional) : None
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      Candy Christmas Build Event

      In Game Name : The__Forester Server : Blue Coordinates to build : -7215 69 9135 Screenshots (Optional): https://imgur.com/a/dDQ6HcA For some reason I cant normaly upload a picture to this forum, so I posted a link. -I call my build "The Santa's house"
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      Corn pick vanish

      Thank you guys for giving me another pick.
    5. B

      Corn pick vanish

      If this isn't the right place to post this I apologize, but no other thread seem to be right for this kind of "report" either, anyway here is my story: So today my corn pick with mending vanished into thin air, I imidieatly reported that to Senior Mod undisclosedhost who was online at the time...