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    1. Silven

      Art Galley Submission • Blue

      Thanks lovely!!!
    2. Silven

      Art Galley Submission • Blue

      In Game Name 》SilvenBird Art Name 》Sammy Server 》Blue Coordinates to Art 》-2267 71 5295 Screenshot of Art 》
    3. Silven

      Thinking about 1917

      Thinking about 1917
    4. Silven

      Elytra Race - Stage 1

      IGN 》 SilvenBird Discord 》 Silven#4300
    5. Silven

      Lets Count!

    6. Silven

      Lets Count!

    7. Silven

      Overgrown Crate

      Woop woop!!!
    8. Silven

      Meet Tangurple

      It's good to see you can still get through it even if you have your own strengths and weaknesses! Sucks to hear about the predicaments with your school but you seem to have a solid way of dealing with that pff. Ah, valid. Population is always just something that comes with time a perseverance...
    9. Silven

      Long Time Coming Intro

      Hello my turtledoves! My name is Silven but if you main blue you may know me as The Raven. If you didn't know, i'm one of Vulengates new helpers and even if i'm only making this introduction now, i've been active on the server for more then a year now :) I main blue but am only really seen...
    10. Silven

      Meet Tangurple

      Glad to have you! Aviation maintenence, now thats a profession that couldn't help catch my interest! How's working towards that been, if you dont mind me asking? I myself have been very interested in the aviation field and one of my dream jobs is also Aviation maintence engineering! :D Pretty...
    11. Silven

      Spawn Refresh

      Beautiful work you all! It may take some getting used to but but I think with it being a year since its changed, like you said, the change was something we needed. I also really enjoy the new feel to it :D
    12. Silven

      Art submission - Blue

      -In Game Name- SilvenBird -Art Name- StrayCatStrut -Coordinates to Art- -476.238 | 73 | 4892.609 -Screenshot of Art- https://imgur.com/jgrKzpL
    13. Silven

      Regarding Daily Quests

      Totally fair enough! It was a big reason I didn't want to make much of a fuss about it, though felt it would still be nice to throw maybe a few idea pennies into the well, see how they land. Take your time and good luck on those updates!
    14. Silven

      Regarding Daily Quests

      I ADORE this idea, but I also got a dislike on this thread so I guess not everyone is a big fan of the whole 'more quests' idea??
    15. Silven

      Regarding Daily Quests

      I Love me my daily quests. Do them every day! The thing is...there is only three, always. Doing the same thing over and over gets boring, even if it is 'optional' but still. I would love more options for daily quests! "But that would give people too many keys!" I hear you cry, But fear...