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    1. Riot_S_Retro

      Lets Count!

      69 hahaaa
    2. Riot_S_Retro

      Lets Count!

    3. Riot_S_Retro

      Concerning the reset,

      That's fair. Like I said I get it and I'm excited to see what's to come for Green. I'm not really bummed out about the reset because I never really had much in the first place but I feel for those who put it in a lot more time and actually made amazing things. And a thing to think about is...
    4. Riot_S_Retro

      Concerning the reset,

      For me, I get it. I understand why it has to be done. My main issue stems from the fact of how it was handled. I like this server a lot and I stayed around a lot longer than I thought I ever would. Ash I don't hate you or anything of the sort but you have to realize the things you say will...
    5. Riot_S_Retro

      Lets Count!
