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    1. Ceremonious

      The greatest Ceremony for Ceremonious

      I will reflect on your message as sign of greatness in expressing individuality. Hello! I am Ceremonious, the rightful owner of justice. Like the great KDK before, you are also a staff member with brand new rank. In this case, a Helper who does not appear to have their staff rank as of now on...
    2. Ceremonious

      The greatest Ceremony for Ceremonious

      I appreciate the nice comment once again. I am sorry to have made you feel dyslexic. Dyslexia is defined by A learning disorder characterized by difficulty reading. I want you to know that you feel valued and that I believe in you that you can achieve. Like the great Marvin Gaye before us, you...
    3. Ceremonious

      The greatest Ceremony for Ceremonious

      That is very kind of you to say day. Hello! I am Ceremonious, writer of long posts. I would say that I write plenty enough. It's a mental thing really, if you compare my post to the other few introduction posts. You can clearly see a difference in length. If there's anything I've learned in my...
    4. Ceremonious

      hi there!!

      weak introduction, but you build so epic solid 8/10
    5. Ceremonious

      The greatest Ceremony for Ceremonious

      Golden, I can tell you're special because you used a lowercase h instead of an uppercase like the normie staff. Hello! I am Ceremonious, standerouter of the outer ring. I appreciate you standing out in front of your peers and taking this chance to express yourself. Let's make some cash cash...
    6. Ceremonious

      The greatest Ceremony for Ceremonious

      Can't go wrong with a shark in a suit ;)
    7. Ceremonious

      The greatest Ceremony for Ceremonious

      Well well well, if it isn't AComplicatedEel. A moderator on Vulengate. Your stories of dressing upon the grand night of Halloween as yourself has intrigued me. I hope we can spend the 14 moons of Neptune together bonding.
    8. Ceremonious

      The greatest Ceremony for Ceremonious

      Boku, my love. I am Ceremonious. Ever since I laid my eyes on the pixels that made up your skin I knew we were meant to be. I have since devoted my creative writing and literature in your honor. Our shared common interest of funky music is a grand bond that I hope will be the forge of our love. ily
    9. Ceremonious

      The greatest Ceremony for Ceremonious

      Greetings, KDK? Is it? A senior moderator without their rank upgraded to Senior Moderator yet on the forums. Hello! I am Ceremonious, creator of universes. We've spoken before, What are you opinions on the Donkey Kong Country Games? KDK.
    10. Ceremonious

      The greatest Ceremony for Ceremonious

      Greetings, you must be the lovely Lup, a Senior Moderator on Vulengate. Hello! I am Ceremonious, creator of universes. Pleased to meet you, I hope we can spend much time together.
    11. Ceremonious

      The greatest Ceremony for Ceremonious

      THE BEGINNING Greetings, I am Ceremonious. I welcome you to this grand and incredible debut of my forums career as a father, a player and an epic gamer. This may come as a surprise to you that I am a father but I'm afraid you may be confused. No I do not have any kind of offspring. In the...