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    1. I

      Three Word Game

      interfered with the
    2. I

      Tree Feller

      I know this isn't going to be popular with some, but this ability basically has to be dusted. As everyone by now knows, it absolutely crushes the server, which is just ridiculous. To be honest, I am somewhat confused as to why this hasn't been removed already. I mean, a typical exchange...
    3. I

      Three Word Game

      main door. They
    4. I

      Three Word Game

      him. Meanwhile, back
    5. I

      Three Word Game

      to escape certain
    6. I

      Three Word Game

      grossly miscalculated what
    7. I

      Three Word Game

      no attempt to
    8. I

      Blue economy

      It is interesting, because it is rare that a day goes by and I don't hear someone whining about the prices in /AH (Auction House). And generally, they are talking about fly vouchers. Now, the person will normally say something to the tune of: "These shouldn't be 8k/10k....they should be 5k"...
    9. I


      Ah, didn't know they made that a rule. Interesting, thanks.
    10. I


      I would've sworn you used to be able to buy keys. (Other than buying for entire server) Is there a reason why you can't anymore? On a related note: I'd be willing to buy keys for the server if I got like 50% of them back. Like if 20 people are on, and I bought 2 keys, everyone gives me 1...