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    1. CarrotSoup

      PVP Event

      Include your discord name and number
    2. CarrotSoup

      PVP Event

      Include your discord name and number
    3. CarrotSoup

      Hi, I’m Milkydew!

      Hi nice to meet you and welcome to the server! You can choose whichever server(s) you like the only difference is in the players on each. Red might've been considered the corrupt server before we reset the worlds, but only because it was the oldest. Now all of the servers are relatively new and...
    4. CarrotSoup


      In-game there is /help to see available commands but I can see why you would want that because it can get tedious going through all of the pages.
    5. CarrotSoup

      Hello! Don't worry you submitted it correctly, I sent it over to crayonz who will be the one...

      Hello! Don't worry you submitted it correctly, I sent it over to crayonz who will be the one handling it. It's late where he lives so you'll likely get a reply sometime tomorrow.
    6. CarrotSoup

      Farm Mob Limit Bug?

    7. CarrotSoup

      Farm Mob Limit Bug?

      Oh I see, you're right that may be a bug. I'll bring it to the owner's attention and i'm sorry for the inconvenience! Also what server is this on?
    8. CarrotSoup

      Farm Mob Limit Bug?

      Yeah that's just the mob limiting plugin. The reason you're seeing other people with lots of mobs in one pen is probably because the plugin cuts the amount of mobs every few minutes if there are too many, so sometimes that is possible but for a short time. If you want to have mobs in large...
    9. CarrotSoup

      Don't make market plots so expensive

      Having more than 1 market plot isn't allowed
    10. CarrotSoup

      It's Me! Pter.

      Nice to know more about you!
    11. CarrotSoup

      Tree House Event

      In Game Name : Carrotsoup Server : Red Coordinates to build : -3425 93 4731
    12. CarrotSoup

      I have you now

      Hey Nick nice to learn a little about you! :p
    13. CarrotSoup

      Lets Count!

    14. CarrotSoup

      Three Word Game

      storm cloud emerged
    15. CarrotSoup

      Responses are given within 24 hours almost always. I'll let Jackwilliamson know you submitted a...

      Responses are given within 24 hours almost always. I'll let Jackwilliamson know you submitted a ban appeal and he may respond sooner.
    16. CarrotSoup

      Lets Count!

    17. CarrotSoup

      Three Word Game

      banana boat that
    18. CarrotSoup

      Thank you for letting me know, was this on the red blue or green server?

      Thank you for letting me know, was this on the red blue or green server?
    19. CarrotSoup

      Lets Count!
