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    1. RocketZ1

      Time Lost King Boss

      Yes undead mobs (skeletons, zombies, etc) are damaged by potions of healing and are healed by potions of damaged. I don't know about if splash pots/lingering works in the arena but it would help not die if they do work. Though i don't know what the server would count as who was damaging the boss...
    2. RocketZ1

      Time Lost King Boss

      Ok, for this just a suggestion for all bosses for everyone use lingering potions of healing you don't die as fast and it also damg the boss :) (is this punishable in the rules Kureen?)
    3. RocketZ1

      Time Lost King Boss

      Very Very cool though 50k is a bit much, thank you for giving us a new boss to fight! (does damaging the boss in a way where the boss does not target use include shooting him with a bow in a corner so he does not target you can you can still kill him with out death? (this is for single boss...
    4. RocketZ1

      Crate and Fishing Update

    5. RocketZ1

      PvP Event #2

    6. RocketZ1

      Vulengate Crashed Or Offline....

      Hello I am posting this to see if anyone else is having the same problem that I am having, The server is down for me I have checked my internet and everything that might effect whats happing I am all good on my end, Has Vulengate been shutdown or crashed? Also the website keeps crashing for me too
    7. RocketZ1

      Crate and Fishing Update

      Good Idea! I was making ideas on the spot I like your idea of having to get in one of the top places!
    8. RocketZ1

      Crate and Fishing Update

      Maybe an idea for the quests, Maybe we could have a fishing quest where you have to fish 20 fish to get a wild key. Another Idea for a quest could be, (I dont think its a good idea but its an idea) a Quest where you have to sell a pre-set number of items on /ah to get a key.
    9. RocketZ1

      Vulengate Boat Race Sign Up

      In Game Name : RocketZ1
    10. RocketZ1

      Difficulty Increase

      I think it is fine as it is, Vulngate is not really full survival server its more about coming together as a community and having fun I might agree more if the server was more focused on pvp and everyone for them self's.
    11. RocketZ1

      Hawaiian Build Event

      In Game Name : RocketZ1 Server : Green Coordinates to build : -2856 65 -3719 (Best viewed during the day) ( Both the volcano on the island (Made from scratch) and the volcano in the water is part of the build)
    12. RocketZ1

      The /buy rank upgrade

      Thanks Kureen!
    13. RocketZ1

      Donator Ranks Change

      aw, no more key trading that was very useful but I have notice the rank upgrades are back! Thanks ash!
    14. RocketZ1

      The /buy rank upgrade

      I dont know why the /buy rank upgrade was removed or if it will come back but I noticed that if I wanted to upgrade my current rank I would have to buy the full price of the next one, is there any chance that it can be put back into the servers /buy? I have heard the same from a lot of others on...
    15. RocketZ1

      Hawaiian Crate

      Yay! We got a pickaxe with auto-smelt and rejuvination! Kipikua
    16. RocketZ1

      Egyptian Crate

      Yes, I'd like to see a new boss too, but not a perm one, maybe one for every new create is a new boss
    17. RocketZ1

      Maze Run

      I took part in the maze (ign: RocketZ1)
    18. RocketZ1

      Three Word Game

      find out where
    19. RocketZ1

      Levels Glitched

      Huh, I am not sure maybe try a few commands or try to have someone kill your in /pvp that might work I am not sure about why it did not work the first time. It had worked for me. Sorry if it does not.
    20. RocketZ1

      Levels Glitched

      I have had the same glitch happen the only way to get rid of it is to have someone kill you (someone is faster than something, though having a zombie or a mob kill you might work but a player does.) hope this helps (btw as soon as you did the /f thing.... you lost all your levels so when someone...