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    1. Panserbjorne

      Lets Count!

    2. Panserbjorne

      Three Word Game

      cavernous mouth he
    3. Panserbjorne


      Depends what server you're on really, on green everything is majorly cheap because more players played on it in the beginning when blue and red were in the process of being reset, thus many people gathered resources etc to get the server community going. On red and blue fewer people joined in...
    4. Panserbjorne

      love me pls

      Heyoooo I felt like joining everyone in doing this since it's like 5am and why the hell not :3 I'm Panserbjorne on the server, I used to main old blue way back when (like, less than a month ago), But I made a transition to green! I'm hella established there and I'm willing to lend a hand to...
    5. Panserbjorne

      Lets Count!

      168 through many lessons i believe it's possible
    6. Panserbjorne

      Lets Count!

      161 so edgey Kureen
    7. Panserbjorne

      Three Word Game

      ." And stuffed it
    8. Panserbjorne

      Who's excited?

      FISH omg i want fish and dolphins and turtles! So excited for more animals!
    9. Panserbjorne

      Three Word Game

      his rabbit dinner,
    10. Panserbjorne

      Lets Count!

    11. Panserbjorne

      /RTP is actually a cat...

      once upon a time I didn't get a desert ;D Got a savannah...
    12. Panserbjorne

      Sif for Sale~

      Come to green pls
    13. Panserbjorne

      giv me peeps and i wont sacrifice u to my polar bear army

      giv me peeps and i wont sacrifice u to my polar bear army
    14. Panserbjorne

      Cocoa Beans don't give farmers money

      Sorry, I didn't notice in your post anything corresponding to losing job levels from switching a job, I assumed that you meant losing job levels from harvesting cocoa beans. I've personally never strictly farmed cocoa beans because I see them as not very useful aside from dyes, so I don't see...
    15. Panserbjorne

      Lets Count!

    16. Panserbjorne

      Cocoa Beans don't give farmers money

      Sugar cane does give income actually, I believe only cocoa beans don't. Nobody will lose their job levels from it? Not that I know of, they'll just have some wasted time on it and a ton of cocoa beans- which they can always sell for profit :3
    17. Panserbjorne

      Joke Thread!

      Goddangit you've really limited me >:c I put the answer in a spoiler format thing so if we want to think about it you don't see the punch line immediately ^.^ Ok, what is orange and sounds like a parrot?
    18. Panserbjorne

      Lets Count!

    19. Panserbjorne

      Weather Effects

      Same, I've made snowmen in my area in a plains and they should die in rain, they're still here (the ones I haven't killed). So yeah probably disabled...
    20. Panserbjorne

      Lets Count!
