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    1. Zero_5

      48 days to wait for daily key

      so apperently i have to wait 48 days to use daily key...ok
    2. Zero_5


      My name is Zero_5 and i live in the tunnels under my house (i made the tunnels) Im a 19 year old living in florida who is really chill and likes to be with people online however i get super shy in groups. I would also watch out for my vary short fuze as i get angered vary fast and get vary vicious.
    3. Zero_5

      Looking to buy some art (blue)

      My tunnels where i live looks quiet bare and needs some spice to them. I think some art would do well and looking for some. Im pretty new so my budget is only about 2k as im writing this but feel free to offer art that is a little more pricey (blue)