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  • CarrotSoup
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    • Hey dude, my username is Cloud_Nothing and I was hoping to appeal to a ban, I was banned 11/4/2018 for taking some things from a chest i found in the wild, I didn't realise that there was anyone still using it and i thought it had been abandoned. I'm not sure who banned me but if you could help me I'll return what I took from it.
      Hi Carrot. Ive sent in a ban appeal and i was wondering if i had done it correctly. I see you said it takes about 24 hrs and it's been a bit over that. I just would like to know if I need to fix something in it or if it wasn't accepted. Sorry for being a bother :)
      No worries you did it right! It hasn't been quite 24 hours yet but i'll still let Hailey know you wrote an appeal and she'll respond as soon as she can.
      Hey, Carrot.I sent in a ban appeal a few days ago, hoping I could get re-admitted to the server. I just want to know if I sent it in right, and what I need to do if I did it wrong.
      I actually can't find where you posted it
      Oh I see. Ban appeals need to be posted to the Submit An Appeal section of the Vulengate forums not to Ash's profile
      They also need to follow the correct format
      Hey, Carrot. I don't mean to pester you but I saw that you said it takes about 24hrs to review ban appeals. It's been about that for me... Any chance you could look into things for me? I'm worried that I submitted it incorrectly and don't want it to go unnoticed.
      Hello! Don't worry you submitted it correctly, I sent it over to crayonz who will be the one handling it. It's late where he lives so you'll likely get a reply sometime tomorrow.
      Hey carrot. How long does it take for you guys to see and read a ban appeal? I got banned for ban evade since I’m on a school computer (also used by gamerwitness and zodiachero who were banned for griefing) but this is one of my favourite servers. many of the people on the server know, I’m not gamer witness, I don’t grief. Sorry for taking your time and thanks for any advice you could give me.
      Also I can just play at home if it causes the server harm if I play on a school computer.
      Responses are given within 24 hours almost always. I'll let Jackwilliamson know you submitted a ban appeal and he may respond sooner.
      there is someone who is currently on the blue server and said he was going to use an xray to go mining on the chat. there where several whittnesess. the person in question is alecraft12
      Thank you for letting me know, was this on the red blue or green server?
      Hay carrot soup, what tpminer is saying is the truth, him and I made the base and grinders together, therefor he used many of the supplies there. What I forgot to mention was the fact that I did give him perm to use some leather and steak. The only people I was truely worried about were Eman and Jettyjet. Because of seeing them in my base and not giving them perm to the chests.
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